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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2013 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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to build a. mission to teach. good news dominate a good week a once in a century meteo hits earth exploding with the force of more than the regime of bombs in the skies over central russia leaving more than one hundred thousand two hundred people injured. fresh violent clashes overshadows attempts i told him but framed as police fired tear gas at hundreds of stone throwing activists following the true year anniversary of the start of anti-government demonstrations . a red rag to face off with the global
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community north korea's plugs outrage carrying out a third nuclear test despite u.n. backing and international sanctions. and a u.s. backed mess in the arab spring countries and latest to do list in afghanistan r.t. takes a look at the global issues president obama wasn't keen to talk about during his much anticipated state of the union address. also in the news of the pope is to be the for is the head of the catholic church to step down in six centuries call shocked across the world of the pontiff that his health no longer permitted him to fulfill his cheap.
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you're watching r t the weekly with me would say it's good to have your company with us here in that the russian capital in was the major that became a huge media star and of the want event that dominated the headlines at the end of this week shooting and slashing across the skies of central russia it is one of the only. times media of such a size has been captured coming to earth residents are shot flitters on desk cameras a mobile phone from every angle possible it all fell in the year old as it broke up explosions shattered windows especially doors and rocked buildings leaving war than twelve hundred people injured the guest from space also managed to steal the spotlight from an even bigger straw and that made a record close approach to earth on friday r.t. as you got a piece going all has been tracking this. it
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was like a scene from a science for a movie but with one exception it was real first the brilliant flash this big bright lake he was showing across the sky you know blinding brighter than the sun the skies were lit up by a meteor streaking across the skies above the russians. over want to marry have thousand kilometers east of moscow where not just any usual glare on the floor i thought of all lines from a car then we ran to the window saw this strange cloud and then and then this. world would turn around and the wall was gone and someone had moved it this eries of massive explosions rocked the entire city damaging buildings and shattering windows. nasa said the explosive force of the media or breaking up was the equivalent of
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twenty hiroshima bombs over twelve hundred people were injured including over two hundred children mostly from pieces of shattered glass. the windows just exploded i saw one girl he'd been her head and a bra in his hand we were told to quickly put our clothes on and run outside and many were able to. film the onerously phenomenon later flooding the web with footage as rumors spread of what it might have been a stricken airplane a satellite that fell out of orbit even the beginning of the end of the world would mrs reported seeing fragments of the crashing all across the region. i saw a small can there was a weird smell it was not a fire so i think it's a piece of meteorite and it's smoldering there now however most of the sightings turn out to be ordinary book for hours because so far officials have not found any fragments of the meteor for now the immediate priority is to look after the injured and repair the damage to buildings especially the broken windows in schools and
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residential areas as sam perjures it might drop below minus fifteen years and is another reminder that no matter how advanced technology gets nowadays when it comes to nature often we can only watch helplessly and hope for the best you've got this kind of party. central russia. right the earth to witness a once in a lifetime event as it has become the biggest meter to hit the planet in a century now it was visible from all four of my keys or four of russia's regions but the main appearance was around this area all but still yappin ski on this map you can see the areas that suffered from the ferocity of the five hundred kilo to on explosion as you can see right now on our screen the equivalent to around thirty nuclear bombs now the ten thousand ton fireball and to the atmosphere at the speed of twenty kilometers per second before igniting and of finally breaking apart very
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dramatic scenes obviously such objects entering the atmosphere are relatively common but usually they don't make it to the surface instead of ending up in the atmosphere so today with me i have already the postcard who's helping me figure this phenomenon out paul this has been quite a dramatic scene to say the least i mean it's almost like coming out of all film or something the media went crazy what do you make of all of this trying to help you figure it out yes there are you know as journalists as t.v. journalists were often asking sort of. what makes what makes a story what makes a so it human interest and great pictures usually and you can't deny that this story has it all it made headlines around the world as you can say for those exact reasons it was like something from a hollywood movie wasn't because we've got those cameras in all the cars the pictures were plentiful there was there with lots and lots of images of the bright
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lights in the sky very positive out of all corners of basically of the earth real world or the story certainly spread to all corners of the earth as you can see here because it was it's a global story once in every hundred years or so this sort of thing happens because of the advent of technology in the internet and such like the story spread almost instantly i want to tell you something that actually this is how fast i knew that the story had gone because i got a phone call in the more that morning on that friday you say are you ok you're in moscow this was from south africa i mean this is the most remote little you know place in russia has gone crazy let's talk about twenty us social media once again has played such a big role in this story we've seen people use their you know this smartphones and so forth you spoke about the desk but we've got some interesting tweets coming out of this meeting as absurd as i mean let's talk about that when the bruce willis one is actually pretty good we all know that every god in every get in one thousand nine hundred eight that film that bruce willis did there was one to this that and nothing is as refreshing as a meteorite in the morning so don't call me and of course you know there were some
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fun pictures of oh you know all of that action. and action on a major rise in lighting you this me is brilliant you got our own macho man here some of the other things that really you know a lot of people say that russians and have a sense of humor but i disagree i think they took this this story and they ran with it i also want to talk about how everybody kind of made it a little bit we had people on twitter things like you know i'm going to buy my wife a star shooting stars all over the place but just to come back to actually the reality of what happened because we know. talking about how it went viral how everybody got excited they tweeted i mean the meteorite already has its own twitter hello what you say about who you know what i mean but i just want to know how i mean it could have been worse i just want to read you this just to show you even within the the funny side of this list a list suicide in the meteorite twitter page he she said i don't even know what to
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call him but he's that she says sorry for the inconvenience didn't mean to hurt anyone lying scattered across three year olds was on a stroll but lost my way i mean this could have been a fall ball worse you know episode than what we saw you know i mean the jokes aside and we have seen already some of the fun side of what happened on friday nobody was killed that's one of the saving graces twelve hundred people injured lots and lots of damage two hundred thousand square. meters of damage most of the shattered glass as you mentioned it could have been a lot worse you spoke about the tweet that we saw about the guy who was going to try and find a piece of the meteorite and give it to his girlfriend and say i promised you the star and now i'm going to give you stuff i'm talking about what's happened there's a twenty foot crater in the frozen lake by all accounts people have been searching the bottom of that lake divers looking for peace and was rather they haven't found it yet so it could have been a lot worse than in the region as well chelyabinsk as you mentioned we saw on the
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map there it's it's got dozens of nuclear facilities in the area the most famous one is the market on that way storage and treatment center we can only be very grateful and thankful that some of these nuclear sites weren't damaged in the in these dramatic images that we saw on friday i want to talk a little bit we talk to monica gray who actually did had this to say about that. these things happen all the time. they sonic boom that you played a recording of was obviously just immense and it was the balloon shattering glass and causing it was the boom that caused the destruction not the actual landing of the meteorite when the meter i landed i believe it's landed in a lake it didn't do any damage so it's it is amazing explosion in the atmosphere is it breaks the sound barrier that causes the problem you shouldn't worry about something else coming from this particular object i mean this is this particular
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thing that is for lennon or as landed there's nothing else going to be chasing down its tail so there's there's no other meteorite going to be coming from this particular object. right as you can see that i mean this story is going to be talking about it for a while now but i do know that russia being the biggest country on the planet it's no surprise that we get a fair share of hits like this isn't it i mean this is the first time that this has happened you had a very it's a rare occurrence for meteorites to actually collide with on this occasion every hundred years or so experts say and the last time it happened was nineteen zero eight that was also in russia and the. region and i'm sure we're talking about a little bit later and you can see these images from from ninety no way to the difference between one hundred years ago and now it took a decade for people and researchers to go to the site to be able to look at it and try and find out because as our experts i guess there it's really important for
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scientists to try and get hold of just a chunk of this meteorite and to try and find out without sounding too cliched what else is out there i mean what else is out there if you do or did get a piece of that rock i don't know would you buy a piece of that if somebody sold there for you four hundred dollars would you buy if the experts haven't found yeah i don't think that this mr romantically authorities found it either ok so no need to. thank you very much up in the studio with us just chatting to us about this phenomenon that happened on friday here on the weekly. in back rain there have been fresh clashes as police used tear gas against hundreds of protestors onto it stones and firebombs this comes out following the funeral of a teenager who was allegedly shot by authorities earlier this week during
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a rally marking. the anti-government unrest in the country the violence has mother the week old the talks between the mostly shiite muslim opposing opposition and they're still dominated government. demanding an end to the ruling family's total political domination but love them based activists dominic says there are few signs of the country's leaders generally one to reforms we're looking at two years in which we've seen no reform we've seen nothing change i mean we started this uprising two years ago and on that day the first martyr of the uprising was killed and now two years later on the same day the fourteenth of february another teenager has been killed and this really shows and displayed the lack of reform continuous human rights abuses the continuous repression taking place on the streets of basra and it's good the dialogue has come back on the agenda and there is discussions happening but it seems that you know this latest latest escalation of the security
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against the people is going to possibly provide a day within the ruling family i think of course there are those who simply want to please the international community to say look we're having this dialogue and there is not a great thing was continuing with the violations on the street the people have come out on the streets time and time again saying that they they won't go out and they simply will not go home until there's reform and i think the fact that they've stayed out for two years clearly proves that so the only solution is through dialogue and i think regime has to realize that. it's been exactly two years this is libya was plunged into revolutionary chaos well those who brought the change the rights to power many libyans deprived of their hames and six. and there's no reason to keep election. north korea is reportedly preparing for war atomic test despite deep international and detonated
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a third nuclear bomb and choose state. described the move as an effort to show up its national security and say got it so venti i guess what it called quote outrageous u.s. hostility and quote the communist state is already laboring under heavy international sanctions and has been banned from any such activities by the year when the country had previously carried about two atomic tests and is believed to possess a small stockpile of nuclear warheads the u.n. security council and unanimously condemned north korea's action and pledge to beef up sanctions against asia base independent news editor james kopp it does says the timing of the test raises many questions. one of sanctions that could be applied or are already being applied so it's really i think going to fall into a lot of diplomatic pressure on china to use its leverage with north korea and it's and i imagine that officials in beijing must have known that this this was coming
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probably in the next few days and it certainly is it couldn't have happened at a worse time internationally speaking it's the lunar new year in china so basically the entire country is on holiday and in the u.s. you there is no confirmed secretary of defense or central intelligence director so it's a very interesting time throw that through into that the wild card of xi jinping we don't know much about him or how he's going to lead china and the fact that kim jong un is a relatively new leader as well you also have the new or big government in japan and there's a lot of wildcards in this mix to see how this is going to shake out but i think on the question of china specifically i think it does have the most leverage over north korea at this point and certainly a lot of aid and in support comes from china so i think they have a lot of pressure that they can put on north korea at this point. and on it's way for you here on r.t. iran says it may finally allow u.n. inspectors into a military base inspected of hosting the country's alleged nuclear activities however experts adult the judge would ease away just sanctions on that country as
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a nuclear program is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to international pressure on terror. in the most important speech in the american political calendar and president obama looked to both the lawmakers and the electorate on side in the first state of the union since his reelection obama talked about the fate of arab spring countries and explained expanded plans to bring home troops from afghanistan. as you can has been listening to what the president had to say. in his state of the union speech president obama outlined some of the external threats that the country speccing first of all curb spreading to different parts of the world for what he said although the u.s. is pulling troops out of afghanistan america's war on terror will continue because of. this true different kind of affiliates of extremist groups have emerged from the peninsula to africa the threat these groups pose is evolving.
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but to meet this threat we don't need to send tens of thousands of our sons and daughters abroad occupying other nations we will continue to take direct action against those terrorists who pose the greatest threat to america although there was no mentioning of the word drone everyone knew that's what the president meant when saying direct action with no u.s. troops involved what he did not talk about was the limits for this war that was waging with a remote control the justification that the administration gave john brennan's words we don't punish people for past strike before they take action that offers a very broad scope for the use of drones despite the u. when raising concerns about the legality of the use of drones washington is setting up new bases for them around the globe. even though drones are this administration's weapon of choice ganis them president obama wants to leave some troops on the ground twenty fourteen when they're supposed to be all out in the
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speech you mentioned i believe with the afghan government on that issue and it's going to be a hard bargain because the afghan government wrists. anger of their own population over foreign military presence especially after incidents like the one. that was reported just hours after the president's speech by nato strike killed ten afghan civilians one could sense a change maybe even your concern as the president on the results of the revolution in the arab world he said it's quote unquote messy he said the u.s. cannot dictate the course of changing countries like very very briefly pressure on syria there was a change of tone remember how the u.s. was cheerleading for revolutions in those countries just a year ago with radical forces gaining momentum in places like syria like libya maybe the changes that we've ministrations he's now in the region are not much to
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their liking among other threats america. faces the president talked about cyber attacks he said he had issued an executive order to protect government agencies and key infrastructure from cyber attacks but he did not mention is how the u.s. government itself is carrying out cyber attacks like the reported cyber attack on iran's nuclear program while there's no proof that they're building them on this administration said it would view a serious cyber attack against the united states as an act of war but apparently when the u.s. carries out the attack it should not be seen as an act of war. in a speech delivered before congress president obama discussed the growing threat from cyber attacks but antiwar activists eugene pariah says it's not clear where the new measures could be used to protect the public or invade their privacy when we look at what's going on here with the information sharing between the department of defense the government and others private corporations i think it raises significant concerns over whether the issue of defense is actually defending us or
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weakening i mean we see recently the three largest papers in the united states washington post new york times wall street journal all had major scandals over the issue of cyber security now if they're sharing information with the government i think that raises a potential question well what about journalist e-mails and things of that nature will that have a chilling effect on whistleblowers in the government and so i think we have to ask ourselves is generalize obviously generalized cybersecurity different is important but ultimately is the way the obama administration is approaching it expanding department of defense type programs and not having safeguards that are very well explained to the people regarding civil liberties and place is that something that actually decreases our security by for example having a chilling effect on whistleblowers or just giving the government more of a big brother overview and really reducing our privacy. israel is forced to phasers some embarrassing revelations information of an alleged sin has emerged forcing tel
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aviv to lift the veil of secrecy about the now infamous prison that story is coming up. chaos and confusion that's how some libyan activists paint the situation in the north african state two years after it was first in golf by the bloody revolution for a bag dribbles eventually achieve their goal of toppling the long time leader daffy but all i know is so few voices hailing the demand the jimmies of a dictator artes and is now a has been finding a. former gadhafi has lost legitimacy to lead and he must leave the shoot at their feet what back to you is impossible to imagine a future for libya with get there for you still in power he must go. well gadhafi is long gone and we don't need to imagine but can take a close look the revolt which began in benghazi was followed by an eight month nato bombing campaign costing thousands of lives and left libya torn apart drowning in
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conflict and suffocating in stagnation still rich in oil libya economically is a mess despite rampant unemployment and an overwhelming housing crisis huge construction projects are on hold and violence reigns if you look at the country before they bombard month invasion by nato and nato supported militias and the country now you can clearly see that the country is suffering from the front problems that the not exist before the country's infrastructure has been destroyed and you have militias running. free on the streets attacking people killing people and doing whatever they want so yes a lot has changed but not for the better amnesty international describes tribalism post gadhafi as armed militias acting completely out of control hundreds of them
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across the country arresting people without warrant detaining them incommunicado and torturing them all these points gadhafi was accused of by the rebels and the west now the watchdog says this is happening while the government is unwilling or unable to rein in the militias and another problem is the south in december libya closed off its borders without niger chad and sudan citing a deterioration of security and declared the region a military zone well recently a video has emerged of representatives of the south libyan tribes declaring independence for the region the federation of south libya they claim the government has failed to secure the inside of the country and borders and this is a result of stalled economic activity and discontinue a. and of essential infrastructure projects that have been driven by international partners well it's still not clear how that news is being taken in tripoli but it can't vote well for any chance of stability and finally who is reaping the fruits
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of this revolution well some analysts say it's an economic powerhouse putting lots of money into the region that the west just doesn't have while at the same time benefiting from their military efforts it's china the chinese have no boots on the ground they have no worries there they're basically getting a free ride from the military. the west countries like crouch so two years after the revolution for libya the only certainty is still gadhafi is gone love an expert on the country and their maisonette has been speaking to our t. about lawlessness and insecurity in post gadhafi libya the people in this moment is only thinking only only thinking about the safety of the country and trying to bring the people there to be able to people go back to their houses can you imagine a country of six million people two of them to millions are outside their houses
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far away some with no money with nothing far and they cannot do anything and the ones are inside libya there is no safety at all i have friends they have been stolen their houses four times. the houses when you are in the street you never know. if you will be shot because always you listen the shots for a problem place to another. check out our website for more stories the timeline of the nato backed revolution in libya and its consequences as well as more expert analysis it's all they. a new group takes center stage in egypt a street of violence appealing to young protesters and encouraging violent tactics there are fears that the so-called black blog could end up ruining any possibility
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of a peaceful resolution to the country's political crisis that's in a few minutes. and no light at the end of the tunnel for brees says unemployment forces people to find new ways to fend for themselves all that is off the shelf break. old. technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future are covered.
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basis based on. you know i care read. into. this thing we. have to debate which is. to. bring things from. someone in the midst of the bloodshed on this one. is there a concept of this team. today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing
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from the streets of canada. showing operation the day. you're back with us here on our team pope benedict the sixteenth announce his resignation and a shock move at the start of this week before he says ill health forced him to make the decision becoming the first pope to resign in six hundred yes as papa c. has been plagued by scandal most notably accusations of a. broad cover up of child abuse within the catholic church and the abuse campaign of barbara dora's as the pope didn't do enough to address paedophilia during his eight years in the position. we believe that he uttered of words he showed there were still from the crease.


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